Cambridge English: First, also known as First Certificate in English (FCE), is an upper-intermediate level qualification. It proves you can use everyday written and spoken English for work or study purposes. The FCE exam is made up of four exam papers, designed to test the key language skills. The four papers are: Reading and Use of English
FCE Practice Tests. Paper 1 Reading (See below for Use of English) Test 1 (of 3) Part 1 (Multiple Choice) Part 2 (Gapped Text) Part 3 (Multiple Matching) FCE Multiple Choice 19 - Aug 03, 2019 · FCE Use of English Part 1: Multiple Choice – Practice Exams for Cambridge First Certificate – Download Free | CEFR: B2 English | 1000 + FCE Practice Exams pdf read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0) Time […] Rival queens: Elizabeth Tudor and Mary Stuart FCE PAPER 1 Reading PART 3 Multiple matching Which section describes Elizabeth’s diffi cult ascent to the throne of England? 1 ____ mentions the Scottish Reformation? 2 ____ …
English Tests - FCE PAPER 1 READING Task type and focus Multiple matching. Specific information, detail, opinion and attitude. Format A text or several short texts preceded by multiplematching questions. Candidates must match prompts to elements in the text. No. of Qs 15. PRACTICE TEST 1 PAPER 1: READING Test1 Part 1 (questions 1–8) (Multiple Choice) No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, Introduction to the FCE TIME DESCRIPTION NUMBER OF ITEMS MARKS in the text the sentences have been removed. PART 3(multiple matching) A text or several short texts preceded by multiple-matching questions. Candidates English Tests - Cambridge First Certificate in English - FCE Cambridge First Certificate in English - FCE. FCE Practice Tests. PAPER 1: READING. Test1 Part 1 (questions 1–8) (Multiple Choice) Test1 Part 2 (questions 9-15) (Gapped Text) Test 1 Part 3 (questions 16-30) (Multiple Matching) PAPER 3: USE OF ENGLISH. Test1 Part 1 (questions 1–12) (Multiple-Choice Cloze) Test1 Part 2 (questions 13–24 First Certificate in English (FCE) Reading 39 First ...
PAPER 1 READING PAPER 1. READING. 6 fce examination |paper 1: reading. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Paper format The paper contains four parts, with a range of texts and accompanying comprehension tasks. One part may contain two or more shorter related texts. Timing 1 hour 15 minutes. No. of parts 4. No. of questions 35. Experts in Language Assessment First Certificatein English examples at FCE level of typical general ability plus ability in each of the skill areas and in a range of contexts. Table 2 ‘Can Do’ summary Typical abilities Listening and Speaking Reading and Writing Overall general ability CAN follow a talk on a familiar topic. CAN scan texts for relevant information. READING PART 3 MULTIPLE MATCHING (1) READING PART 3 MULTIPLE MATCHING (1) You are going to read a newspaper article about a social illness. For questions 1-10, choose from the sections (A-E).The sections can be chosen more FCE Multiple matching, 1 - CL Granada
May 18, 2017 · 50 x PET Reading Part 2 – Matching. Published May 18, 2017. Watch . Course Navigation. FCE READING & USE of ENGLISH. 123 x FCE Use of English Part 1 - Multiple Choice. FCE Multiple Choice 1; FCE Multiple Choice 2; FCE Multiple Choice 3; FCE Multiple Choice 4; FCE Multiple Choice 5; FCE Multiple Choice 6; FCE Multiple Choice 7; Paper 1 (Reading Exam) - Part 3 (Multiple Matching ... - Paper 1 (Reading Exam) - Part 3 (Multiple Matching) - Lesson 4 - Paper 1 (Reading) - Part 3 (Multiple Matching) In Part 3 of Paper 1, you are given a number of short texts and 15 questions to answer. You have to choose which text matches each question. Your teacher is going to give you some advi Reading 1 — FCE Exam Tips A helpful overview of the First Certificate Reading and Use of English test, plus specific tips for part 1 (multiple-choice cloze) A helpful overview of the First Certificate Reading and Use of English test, plus specific tips for part 1 (multiple-choice cloze) FCE Reading Test part 2. Free Practice for the First ... FCE- Free Reading Practice for the First Certificate exam from Cambridge ESOL Vocab; Grammar; Apps; Free Practice Tests for learners of English. Difficulty level: B2 /Upper Intermediate. This page will let you practise for the Cambridge English First (FCE) exam. This is the format of the second part of the reading section. FCE Reading part
FCE Reading and Writing Paper The paper has a fixed format, with four parts. Each part contains a text of between 350 and 700 words and aims to test a particular type of reading sub-skills still through a given task type. The texts in the reading paper are drawn from a range of sources including informa-tional texts, journalism, fiction and non-fiction.
B2 First Listening Test Part 3 (Multiple Matching) Type Your answers below. TEXT EXERCISES You can download this gapped text in PDF format at the bottom of this B2 First Exam Preparation - Cambridge English First - FCE Certificate.